Safety Equipment Suppliers
Looking for top-quality safety equipment supplies for your job site or garage? Look no further than Atind Industrial Safety and Supply. We offer everything you need to keep yourself and your crew safe, including personal protective equipment (PPE) that can be purchased in large quantities to fully stock your workplace.
Our extensive inventory includes gloves, hard hats, and protection for your eyes and ears, all designed to provide maximum protection regardless of the job. Many of our products even come with high-visibility (hi viz) options, featuring bright colors that keep workers safe when working in dangerous areas, such as on the roads.
But that’s not all. In addition to our safety equipment supplies, we also carry other forms of PPE that are essential in today’s world. Take care of your crew and make sure they are as protected as they can be.

Facility Identification

Foot protection

Face Protection

Traffic Control Products​


High Visibility Garments

Fall Protection

Fire Protection

Hearing Protection